My name is Matthew and I think too much.

Why make a blog about Millennial Anxiety?

The millennial condition is having more information about the problems of the world than any other group in history, but being such a small piece of the machine that we feel helpless to do anything.

Do we have anxiety? No shit.

That said, millennial problems are still human problems and there’s a good advice out there if you can find it. Growing up some of us were taught emotional intelligence, healthy relationship boundaries, how to say no when you’re burned out, and what a healthy identity looks like. These are skills you need. Life get so much harder without them. And for some of us, those lessons never got taught.

Maybe your parents weren’t around. Maybe you want a life different from theirs and the trail they blazed doesn’t make sense for you. Maybe they struggled with their own trauma and they couldn’t teach us stuff they didn’t know.

Honestly it doesn’t matter.

I’m going to work on my issues and fix the things I can fix because I want to get everything out of life that I can. I’m not going to play the blame game and I’m not going to waste time being bitter. We’re putting out this fire not because we lit the match, but because we’re tired of getting burnt.

My life has gotten a lot better since I took full responsibility for my life. The world didn’t become more fair but I became more able to deal with it. Maybe some of the things I’ve learned can benefit you too. I hate seeing people suffer from problems that have solutions and I want to share everything that helped me make it this far.

It doesn’t matter what you were or weren’t given, or what B.S. you had to put up with along the way. We’re here now, and our lives won’t get better unless we work on ourselves first.

You are not your trauma, you are not the labels other people put on you, and you are not stuck with the broken world that was handed to you. We can make things better. We don’t have to fix everything, but we can wake up tomorrow in a better spot than we woke up today. That starts now, and I want you to join me. Are you in?

More of my writing

Life lessons documented, all the books and advice that got me through hard times, and reflections on what worked and what didn’t.