You’re Overthinking Again

There is a time and place for thought, but it’s not all the time and everywhere. For example, the main problems in my life currently are:

  • Need to end a dysfunctional relationship
  • Need to apply to a bunch of projects at work
  • Finish certification study, take the test

Those are pretty direct activities. Well structured, well understood, uncomplicated. I don’t think anyone will push back, even in ending a relationship that makes us both miserable. And yet I’m kind of stuck in a whirlwind of anxiety and analysis paralysis.

But why am I thinking at all? More thinking doesn’t solve these problems. Simple action does. We weren’t made to overanalyze, sit idle, or stare out the window all day. We were made to try things and learn and grow. If we feel awful right now it’s probably because we’ve been overthinking for too long. Turn your brain off and do what you need to do. That’s the only thing that will make us feel better.

It’s noteworthy that sometimes we’re idle because we’re paralyzed by fear. What we need to do isn’t complicated, but it scares us. The good news is, you can still do the thing even if you’re scared. The motto “Do it scared” has gotten me unstuck more times than I can count. We have to give ourselves permission to act in moments of fear because there’s many times that fear is unavoidable. Doing it fearfully and with anxiety is acceptable. Freezing and trapping ourselves in mental loops is not.

So zoom out a little bit. Ask yourself how good it would feel to have your own terrifying problem behind you. Ask if the steps required are simple, even if they are scary. Because you can do simple things while shaking in your boots. You can press send on a high-stakes email while sweat is pouring down your brow. You can feel scared while doing things that will make your life better. I’ve felt terrified about all of the most important decisions in my life. They didn’t all go perfectly, but they all had to be done. Done is better than perfect, and you don’t lose points for being scared. 

Stop waiting, stop thinking, stop analyzing. Do it scared.

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